Monday 2 June 2014

Samoan Language Week

Last week was Samoan language week and the theme for this year was, "hold fast onto your treasures."
I think that they have, chosen this theme because they are trying to tell us that Samoa i a treasure to our hearts. We should hold onto it because it is a part of us and always will be. Samoan language week is a way of embracing the culture and saying that you're proud to be a Samoan!  Another thing we do during Samoan language week is to come to school dressed in Samoan clothes.  Some students also speak in Samoan all week to show that they appreciate Samoa!
By Heather Michell


  1. well heather this your friend love your writing just a little mistake when you said Samoa is a but otherwise well done keep up the great work

    By : Hellen Seuula

  2. Heather, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on Samoan Language Week. I thought it was a great week!

    1. yeah i really think that it was a really great story well done ur best friend Hellen
